Thursday, October 9, 2014

Creating Adventure at Alchemy

Dear Friends,

Last weekend Joe and I had the opportunity to go and participate in a regional burning man event called Alchemy.  We left on Thursday morning and returned on Sunday.  It was one of those great experiences where I disconnected from media - which is wonderful in the moment but as I go to write a blog I'm missing some pictures to help tell a story.

Lucky for me other folks took some great pics & video and gave permission to share!

Before we got to the event we had a quick stop at a local costume shop and I left with some new hair :)

I sent this picture to my teenage daughter and received the following text with an actually phone call to find out just what in the heck I was up too. Too funny!

Another interesting tidbit about the purple hair - When I was not wearing it I was "Ma'am ed" a couple of times - Yikes! So it is definitely an anti aging device!

We camped with a terrific group of guys at the camp 3 Old Men.  The camp created a Labyrinth and did ceremony 4 times a day.

It was a great oasis of calm and tranquility in the midst of festival chaos :)

When ceremony was occurring 3 old men would stand at the exits of the Labyrinth and when you exited the would offer you a blessing, ask for a blessing or offer a struggle.  Anyone could walk the Labyrinth at anytime and in the center was a beautiful gong/bell that you could ring!
Across the way was an amazing art installation and dance camp called Incendia
It was AMAZING!! 

Also it was a good thing I packed ear plugs so I could get some sleep since those youngins liked to dance/party all night!

If you have time check out this:

Video of Incendia in Action.

We got to see some terrific art.  We helped paint some art and enjoyed meeting fun and creative people! 
Photo by Kelsey

Tons of volunteers show up early to this event to create a city out of farm land and create amazing stuff like this year's effigy that burned (intentionally) on Saturday night with thousands of people watching.  It was truly an amazing experience!

Photo by Joe Hunt

Wrapping you around with infinite love and dancing feet,


P.s. Just for fun!


  1. Holy moly rocky, you know how to kick it, girl!

    1. LOL - this comment made me laugh - thanks :)

  2. What a wonderful peek into your weekend! Sounds like it was a fabulous event, and you most definitely rocked that purple hair.
